Tag Archives: truth
You, Me And Nasa: The Truth
By now more than 5,000 exoplanets have been officially identified – via NASA missions such as the Kepler Space Telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Space Telescope (TESS), the Hubble Space Telescope as well as ground-based observations – and billions more await discovery. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. The Eisenhower administration, working with an often-fractious Congress, got nowhere, so Ike (in between tee times, his detractors would say) directed his science adviser, James Killian, to convene a committee and come up with a game plan. Let’s say that Yahoo, CNN, Google and hundreds of other sites went this route. This use of semiotics is immensely powerful when it works, because it forces the viewer to say the brand name. A good tagline should also recall the brand name. Quite importantly, a good tagline should not be usable by a competitor: you should not be able to substitute a competitive brand name and use the line. One of the best techniques for bringing in the brand name is to make the tagline rhyme with it.
Examples include “A Mars a day helps you work, rest, and play,” and “We will sell no wine before its time (Paul Masson).” Note how the competitive edge is lost when the brand name is not the rhyme. A fall-back position is to use a rhyme and mention the brand name without it actually rhyming. You could add any brand name to the line and it would make sense. If the brand name isn’t in the tagline, it had better be firmly suggested. Prescription painkillers such as oxycodone and hydrocodone (better known by the brand names Percocet and Vicodin, respectively) can cause dizziness, drowsiness, impaired motor control and risk of overdose when taken with alcohol, as can prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids. If you’ve ever taken prescription painkillers, antidepressants or certain antibiotics, chances are you’ve seen that familiar warning label: “Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages When Taking This Medication.” Many over-the-counter medicines, including antihistamines, decongestants and cough syrup, can also interact unfavorably with alcohol, although the warnings on these common household remedies are sometimes listed in the fine print, where they may be easily overlooked. Is it healthier to drink in moderation, or not at all? The behavior commonly known as drunk dialing may not be a new one, but cell phones, texting and social media apps have made it easier than ever to embarrass ourselves in more ways than one.
Engaging in phone calls, texting or posting on social media while intoxicated can lead to embarrassing situations or regrettable communications. Technicians test a flight modem in a thermal vacuum chamber for NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LRCD) mission. The IAU|s mission is to promote and safeguard astronomy in all its aspects, including research, communication, education and development, through international cooperation. The Lunar Atmosphere Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission has been developed by NASA Ames. This infrared image of the galaxy Messier 81, or M81, reveals lanes of dust illuminated by active star formation throughout the galaxy’s spiral arms. NSTA Workshop in Kansas City, MO – Thursday October 26, 2023, 2:20 – 3:20pm, KC Marriott Downtown, Lester Young A – “Analyzing X-Ray Pulses from Stellar Cores Using Physics and Web-based NASA Data, and STEM Image Analysis Tools”: Participants will use light curve graphs and image analysis software tools located on the web to investigate stellar objects at the centers of supernova remnants, and determine if the objects are white dwarfs or neutron stars. Advocates are confident that PV will one day be cost-effective in urban areas as well as remote ones. Publishers will tell you that negative book titles don’t sell.
There’s a well-known piece of advice in the world of marketing: ‘sell the sizzle, not the steak.’ It means to sell the benefits, not the features. A good tagline should include a key benefit: “Engineered like no other car in the world” does this beautifully for Mercedes Benz. On his last flight, Gemini 5, Cooper and crewmate Pete Conrad set what was then a world endurance record of the time of 190 hours 56 minutes. These equal-length hours gradually caught on, but despite the début of mechanical clocks in the 1300s, seasonal hours were still frequently used for many years until they were gradually phased out by mean solar time and eventually time zones. Despite the apparent mass in the galaxy’s disk and center, rotation curve studies reveal most mass resides in the halo, hinting at dark matter’s presence. Dark blue wall paint, framed photos, a fiddle leaf fig tree, a patterned rug, a comfy upholstered leather desk chair, and a live edge desk give this home office from Emily Henderson Design a sense of warm modern style.