Tag Archives: plane

What’s the Biggest Plane in the World?

In October 2000, NASA scientists announced early designs for an antimatter engine that could generate enormous thrust with only small amounts of antimatter fueling it. A matter-antimatter engine will take us far beyond our solar system and let us reach nearby stars in a fraction of the time it would take a spacecraft propelled by a liquid-hydrogen engine, like the one used in space shuttles. Strachan, Anna Lee. “Question: How Long Will It Take to Travel to Mars?” NASA. Since it would be very difficult to cram enough food on a spacecraft for a team of astronauts on such a long journey, renewable plants are going to be a necessary part of any manned mission to Mars. The primary mission intended for the spacecraft to return images of at least 70 percent of the surface during one Venusian day, which lasts 243 Earth days as the planet slowly spins. President John F. Kennedy set NASA the goal of sending a man to the moon by the end of the 1960s. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. At the end of their nearly two-year journey, they reach the giant planet, so immense that more than 1,300 Earths would fit inside it.

These six microsats are relay satellites for spacecraft on or near the surface of the planet, and they will allow more data to come back from Mars missions. However, when you’re living in the harshest environment on the planet, a roomful of plants and vegetables is an amazing thing, especially considering they all have to grow without any soil or access to natural light. To prevent any microbes from contaminating the Antarctic environment, all plants have to be grown hydroponically (without soil). If microbes can survive for a given period on the moon, they’re even more likely to survive on Mars, which has a thin atmosphere, a more hospitable environment, and evidence of flowing water. It would be possible to make trips to Jupiter and even beyond the heliopause, the point at which the sun’s radiation ends. However, recent space missions have lost communication with the DSN, including the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander missions in 1999. There are three global facilities, in California, Australia and Spain, that make up the DSN.

While the An-225 tops all aircraft, and the A380 beats out every other passenger plane, the future of aircraft design could make going even bigger a little easier. The competition offers Tribal college-level students the opportunity to demonstrate engineering and design skills through direct application in high-powered rocketry. The application is so well-developed that it is used by doctors and students of medical universities alike. Cerf is part of the team of scientists who are developing a new protocol to enable reliable file transfer over the long distances between planets and spacecraft. What are some of the benefits of decentralized manufacturing? Because the majority of the world’s population lives in urban areas, the greenhouse-skyscrapers could be located in cities, allowing areas that are now almost completely dependent on imported goods to become self-sustaining. The ignition of an alien world’s atmosphere by a rocket would depend on specific conditions like atmospheric composition and rocket fuel properties.

Venus’ inhospitable atmosphere to precisely measure its composition down to the surface. How do solar wind particles interact with Pluto’s atmosphere? Some of these particles are antiparticles that are separated out by the magnetic field. If you want to see what greenhouses are truly capable of, check out the Eden Project, the largest greenhouse in the world. Some day in the distant future, explorers from Earth decide to visit Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, and probe its mysteries. The components of these satellites would have to be much more reliable than those circling Earth. This protocol will act as the backbone of the entire system much as the Internet protocol (IP) and transmission control protocol (TCP) operate on Earth. In an interplanetary Internet, the DSN will be the Earth’s gateway or portal to that Internet. An interplanetary Internet is like the Earth’s Internet on a grand scale and with some improvements.