Tag Archives: mission

Mars Helicopter to Fly on NASA’s next Red Planet Rover Mission

The Office for National Statistics won the 2004 Big Brother Award for the “Most Heinous Government Organisation” from the campaigning organisation Privacy International for its Citizen Information Project. John Pullinger (1997) “The Creation of the Office for National Statistics” Archived 22 January 2020 at the Wayback Machine, International Statistical Review, Vol. John Pullinger replaced Jil Matheson as National Statistician (and Chief Executive of the UK Statistics Authority) in July 2014. Pullinger retired in June 2019 and in October 2019 professor Sir Ian Diamond assumed the role of National Statistician. In July 2007, Sir Michael Scholar was nominated by the government to be the three-day-a-week non-executive chairman of the Statistics Board which, with the intention of re-establishing faith in the integrity of government statistics, was to take on statutory responsibility for oversight of UK statistics in April 2008 and oversee the Office for National Statistics; also having a duty to assess all UK government statistics. Travis, Alan (18 April 2006). “‘Big Brother’ scheme axed”.

Greenberg, Alan. “Taking the wraps off videoconferncing in the U.S. classroom.” Wainhouse Research. In September 2011, physicists working on the Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (OPERA) created a frenzy in the scientific community when they announced that their experiments resulted in subatomic particles called neutrinos traveling from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva, Switzerland to the Gran Sasso National Laboratory near L’Aquila, Italy and arriving around 60 nanoseconds earlier than a beam of light. Unfortunately, the process for converting solar light into usable power is not perfect. ONS produces and publishes a wide range of the information about the United Kingdom that can be used for social and economic policy-making as well as painting a portrait of the country as its population evolves over time. SEDAC synthesizes Earth science and socioeconomic data and information in ways useful to a wide range of decision-makers and other applied users, and seeks to improve access to and use of key socioeconomic and interdisciplinary data that are or can be integrated with remote sensing data. They are members of the Government Statistical Service and are the professional responsibility of the head of the service, who is also the National Statistician. In December 2012 the organisation’s new website to provide statistics to the public was described as “a disaster” by members of parliament on the Public Administration Committee.

In 2016, professor Sir Charles Bean conducted an independent review of UK Economic Statistics. Bean, Charles (2016). “Independent Review of UK Economic Statistics” (PDF). Others, including the Australian Defence Force, the British Armed Forces, the Nepali Army, the Pakistan Armed Forces (PAF), the Swiss Armed Forces, the Singapore Armed Forces, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Swedish Armed Forces, and the New Zealand Defence Force, are different in not requiring a university degree for commissioning, although a significant number of officers in these countries are graduates. The complexity and degree and speed of change in the society, combined with the challenge of measuring some of these (e.g. in relation to longevity, migration or illness patterns or fine movements in inflation or other aspects of national accounts) give rise to periodic debates about some of its indicators and portrayals. The reliance on some of these data by government (both local and national) makes ONS material central to debates about the determination of priorities, the allocation of resources and for decisions on interest rates or borrowing. Office for National Statistics.

Along with economic data on which the Treasury and Bank of England rely for decision-making, many of the statistics that receive widespread media attention are issued by the Home Office, the Department of Health, and the Department for Education and Skills. Which are millions of kilometers away from the nuclear reactor inside the sun. In addition, a 0.1-inch diameter, 1-inch long gold-plated pin, used to plug an oxidizer post orifice (an inappropriate SSME corrective action eliminated from the fleet by redesign) came loose inside an engine’s main injector and impacted the engine nozzle inner surface, rupturing three hydrogen cooling lines. Its main office is in Newport near the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office and Tredegar House, but another significant office is in Titchfield in Hampshire, and a small office is in London. The director of ONS at the time vigorously defended the implementation of government policy on civil service relocation and the decision to concentrate staff in the three locations outside London. Many of these rely on sources which are outside ONS, while some of its own sources need to be supplemented, for example between censuses, by updated but less rigorously obtained information from other sources.