Tag Archives: kepler

Kepler Space Telescope

On February 4, 2015, it was announced that rival Staples had agreed to purchase Office Depot, in a cash and stock deal worth approximately $6.3 billion. It must be kind of fun to work for the Congressional Budget Office. In that sense, it must be a little depressing to work for the CBO. While politicians of every stripe are stumping for their own deficit reduction plan, the whiz kids at the CBO are crunching the numbers and doling out the cold, hard facts. Of particular interest to explore are permanently shadowed polar craters and valleys where water ice is protected from the sun’s direct rays. Over on the “Science & Technology” page of Body Vibes’ website, we learn that the stickers are “embedded with a specific combination of bio-frequencies designed to enhance and activate particular targeted systems.” The stickers are made from “an exclusive material originally developed for NASA.” This “carbon fiber compound” can hold “specific frequency charges that naturally stimulate the human body’s receptors.” Wow!

There has scarcely been a time in human history when rival factions haven’t clashed over territory, resources and ideology. Similarly, desperate or embattled factions (such as Nazi Germany toward the end of World War II) have handed out guns to old men and youths. We’re diving into the zany world of how different cultures have historically and artistically interpreted physical phenomena, and trust me, it’s wilder than a Kardashian family dinner during a full moon. With a draft in place, recruiters have access to a large pool of recruits at a low cost. A majority of congressional Republicans have rejected the idea of raising taxes and want to achieve deficit reductions through spending cuts and reform to the large “entitlement” programs of Social Security and Medicare. Calmes, Jackie. “Cuts to Achieve Goal for Deficit, But Toll is High.” March 2, 2013. The New York Times. Make all the spending cuts you want and raise taxes on the rich, says the CBO, but unless some serious structural changes are made to Social Security and Medicare, the federal government will still continue to spend more than it has in the bank. Still, many recruits will only be suitable for less-skilled or infantry positions, requiring conscript militaries to depend on volunteers for skilled positions and command roles.

For this reason, volunteer militaries such as the United States offer not only competitive pay, but also education and job training. For instance, Israel requires military service of both sexes, while the United States has only drafted males during its periods of conscription. Yet nations that engage in conscription generally spend far more on sorting and training their wealth of warm bodies. Finally, conscripted soldiers generally don’t stick around any longer than they have to, beefing up training costs with the added expense of excessive turnover. In the past, nations have also filled the rank and file of their armies with slaves or peasants, while reserving command roles for the ruling elite. A kneeling chair is great because sitting in one lengthens your hip flexors (which can get tight while sitting), takes some pressure off your glute and hamstring muscles, and promotes a more neutral lumbar spine. But if you have enough energy to overcome this force, you can fuse the two nuclei into one.

One company offered a bespoke Great British Bake Off starring former contestants. But perhaps the most useful service of a disaster management company is regular testing and auditing of the disaster recovery plan. Conscripted armies are either partially or entirely manned through compulsory military service. If you are appalled by the national debt, you can do your civic duty by helping to pay it down. For lots more information on debt, budgets and national politics, check out the related HowStuffWorks links on the next page. Furthermore, the volunteer soldier tends to be more suitable for skilled and command positions. Volunteer and conscripted armies litter the history books, as well as the day-to-day headlines. Because despite the bluster and hopeful promises of politicians, you know all too well that the math just doesn’t add up. However, just like any premium product, the volunteer comes with a higher price tag. To put a price tag on some of these issues, the U.S. Callwave and Pagoo are two of the most popular services.