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Thus, as the war continued, Iraq’s chemical warfare program expanded rapidly. During the Persian Gulf War of 1991, under orders by Saddam Hussein, large numbers of missiles were fired on Israel and Saudi Arabia. One of the factors that led to this decision was the fear of chemical attacks against Iranian civilians, since Saddam had used them against civilians in the past and that caused “no major international outcry”. Roughly 5% of the Iranian casualties were caused by chemical weapons. UN specialist teams were dispatched to Iran at the request of the Iranian Government, in March 1984, April 1985, February-March 1986, April 1987, and in March, July and August 1988. As a result, according to the field inspections, clinical examinations of casualties and laboratory analyses of samples done by the UN fact-finding team’s investigations, the use by the Iraqi army of mustard gas and nerve agents against Iranians was confirmed.

According to Iraqi reports, in 1981 vomiting agents were used in initial and small-scale attacks. The Security Council ratified these reports and two statements were issued, on 13 March 1984 and 21 March 1986, condemning Iraq for those chemical attacks, but the Iraqi regime did not abide by those condemnations and continued launching chemical attacks. Iraqi General Hamdani called the fighting for the liberation of the peninsula another “Battle of the Somme”, where both militaries suffered huge losses. The NPG gives general industrial hygiene information for hundreds of chemicals/classes. Otherwise, if the Protocol is irreparably weakened after 60 years of general international respect, this may lead, in the future, to the world facing the specter of the threat of biological weapons. Contrary to the Iraqis’ conception, the continued occupation of Iran required more effective weapons. The official CIA estimate did not include the civilian population contaminated in bordering towns or the children and relatives of veterans, many of whom have developed blood, lung and skin complications, according to the Organization for Veterans of Iran.

Although efforts to acquire chemical weapons dated back to the early 1960s (pre-dating Hussein’s regime), the Iraqis did not have stockpiles at the outbreak of the war with Iran in 1980. But in time, they began to develop an intensive research program to produce and store chemical weapons and used the war fields to test and perfect their chemical warfare prowess. According to Iraq, while the majority of its mustard gas was of 90-95% purity, it struggled to consistently produce nerve agents of high purity. Clean fuels used for transport can be biofuels that have lower greenhouse gas emission rates, such as ethanol or biodiesel biogas. During the eight-year Iran-Iraq War, more than 350 large-scale gas attacks were reported in the border areas. The Iran-Iraq War failed to reach a military conclusion despite Iraq’s use of chemical weapons. And that’s despite a decline in coal use. For use in all conventional ultrasonic and flood cleaning systems. When you’re cleaning your furniture, don’t forget to wash your throw blankets and throw pillows. According to Iraqi documents, assistance in the development of chemical weapons was obtained from firms in many countries, including the United States, West Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France.

Iraq’s biological warfare development pursued a similar course, but by the time Iraqis were testing biological warheads (containing anthrax and botulinum toxin) in Iraq’s deserts, the war had come to an end. On September 22, 1980, Iraq staged an all-out war on Iran from ground, air, and sea and came to occupy a vast part of Iranian territory. The guarantees led to UK government payment of £300,000 to Uhde in 1990 after completion of the plant was interrupted by the first Gulf War. As part of Project 922, German firms helped build Iraqi chemical weapons facilities such as laboratories, bunkers, an administrative building, and first production buildings in the early 1980s under the cover of a pesticide plant. The Iraqi army, trained and influenced by Soviet advisors, had organic chemical warfare units and a wide variety of delivery systems. Advances in technology have provided industrial oxygen generator systems for use where air is available and a higher concentration of oxygen is desired. This provided a means to generate so called standard InChI, which does not allow for user selectable options in dealing with the stereochemistry and tautomeric layers of the InChI string.