Tag Archives: exploration

AI in Future Space Exploration – Unlocking new Frontiers and Endless Benefits

NSTA Workshop in Denver, CO – Friday, March 22nd, 2024, 9:20-10:20pm, Hyatt Regency Denver – Capitol Ballroom 4 – “Determining the Expansion Rate of Supernova Remnants Using Web-Based NASA Data and STEM Image Analysis Tools”: In this activity, we will be studying Cassiopeia A, a well-known supernova remnant located about 11,000 light years from Earth to determine the expansion rate and to see if it is uniform throughout, looking at the forward and reverse shocks and fast moving knots in the jets. NSTA Workshop in Denver, CO – Friday March 22, 2024, 8:00 – 9:00am, Hyatt Regency Denver – Capitol Ballroom 4 – “Analysis of Supernova Remnants using X-Ray Spectroscopy with Web-based NASA Data and STEM Image Analysis Tools”: Participants will study the distribution of important signature elements involved in supernova explosions, in two different types of supernova remnants, and determine both their abundances and their spatial distribution. NSTA National Conference in Chicago, IL – Friday, July 22, 2022, 2:20-3:20pm, McCormick Place, “Engaging with Your STEM Ecosystem Through After-School Programs: Lessons from Science Olympiad” by Dr. John Loehr, VP of STEM Education for Science Olympiad. NSTA Workshop in Atlanta, GA – Friday, March 24, 2023, 120-220pm, Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, Redwood – “Decoding Starlight – From Photons to Pixels to Images – Using Science and Art” – The importance of art in science is addressed.

NSTA Workshop in Atlanta, GA – Thursday, March 23, 2023, 220-320pm, Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, Redwood – “Star Formation in the Cartwheel Galaxy with Web-based NASA, Data, and STEM Image Analysis Tools” – Participants will use web-based image and data analysis software and real data sets to compare the Cartwheel Galaxy in optical and X-Ray bands to determine sources of ultra and hyper luminous X-rays in the galaxy. Any real flat earth researchers already know NASA can get up there high enough above the level earth and their sole purpose for doing so is to keep the ball earth deception going strong. NSTA Workshop in Kansas City, MO – Friday, October 27th, 2023, 2:40-3:40pm, KC Marriott Downtown, Jay McShann B – “Star Formation in the Cartwheel Galaxy with Web-based NASA Data, and STEM Image Analysis Tools” Participants will use web-based image and data analysis software and real data sets to compare the Cartwheel Galaxy in optical and X-ray bands to determine the sources of the ultra and hyperluminous X-rays (U/HLXs) in the galaxy.

NSTA Presentation in Kansas City, MO – Saturday, October 28th, 2023, 12:40-3:40pm, KC Convention Center, 3501A – “Drilling for Stardust in the Ice Core Record, A.K.A. NSTA Workshop in Kansas City, MO – Saturday, October 28, Kansas City Convention Center, 2104 A, 1:20 PM – 2:20 PM – “Science Leadership While in the Classroom” Dedicated educators are often faced with a choice when it comes to impacting the profession or advancing their careers through leadership opportunities. NSTA National Conference in Chicago, IL – Thursday, July 21, 2022, 1:00-2:00pm, McCormick Place, Room W186b – “Experience a Unique Perspective of What We Are Seeing When Comparing Aerial Earth Photos with Various Images of Celestial Objects of Our Universe” – Science Olympiad-relevant! NSTA Workshop in Atlanta, GA – Thursday, March 23, 2023, 220-320pm, Georgia World Congress Center, Room C208 – “A Unique and Challenging Ice Core Investigation that Integrates the Three Dimensions of NGSS & STEM” – This session focuses on NGSS scientific practices, crosscutting concepts and the Earth/Space science core disciplinary ideas including analyzing and interpreting data, patterns, cycles of energy and matter, Earth systems and Earth and human activity. The materials focus on NGSS scientific practices, crosscutting concepts and Earth/Space core disciplinary ideas – including analyzing and interpreting data, patterns, cycles of energy and matter, Earth systems and Earth and human activity.

The materials focus on NGSS scientific practices, crosscutting concepts and the Earth and space sciences core disciplinary ideas – including analyzing and interpreting data, patterns, cycles of energy and matter, Earth systems and Earth and human activity. This activity is designed for physics and/or astronomy classes and integrates STEM analysis tools with the crosscutting concepts, physical science core disciplinary content and engineering concepts embodied by NGSS. October 12, 2022 – Explore Applied Science Careers in the Environment, Agriculture, and Natural Resources with the Univ. The new astronauts may begin their careers traveling to the International Space Station, or they may find themselves flying farther. By seeing firsthand the work that NASA scientists, engineers, and astronauts do, students can better understand the real-world applications of what they learn in the classroom. The deals with Field and Time-Life (which owned Life magazine) earned each of the Next Nine astronauts $16,250 (equivalent to $164,000 in 2023) per annum over the next four years, and provided them with $100,000 life insurance policies (equivalent to $1,007,000 in 2023). Due to the dangerous nature of an astronaut’s job, insurance companies would have charged them unaffordably high premiums. South By Southwest EDU (SXSW Edu) – Austin, TX – March 9, 2023 – Public Health Stories: Inspiring STEM Learning – Kelly Bloodworth/CDC, John Loehr/Science Olympiad, Rishi Desai/Osmosis and Kelsey Fusco/South Forsyth High School will present a session focusing on how real-world public health challenges can foster student connections across STEM disciplines, enhance critical thinking and increase interconnected learning.