Tag Archives: cosmetics

US Cosmetics are Full of Chemicals Banned

What is called chemical change? I worked for a while at a company called MAG (“Molecular Applications Group”). Another company in Santa Fe, OpenEye, developed first OELib (now Open Babel) then OEChem, an extensive set of libraries for modeling both small molecule and large molecule support, eg, for doing docking. This let us do our work a lot faster and let more people in the company develop new code with fewer errors. While we enjoyed the comfortable and easy-to-use battery wand, we were even more impressed with the effectiveness of this herbicide, which is OMRI-listed for organic gardening uses. But I had a hard time explaining the result to non-programmers and even to programmers. So nearly all of the bioinformatics data and even most of the software is freely available, funded in large part by taxes and research grants. It was convenient in part because Daylight and Bioreason are both located in Santa Fe, so it was easy to get help and report bugs. After I left MAG I worked for a while at Bioreason which developed data mining tools for analyzing high throughput chemical screens. We left off with me working on a bioinformatics server written in Perl, because that’s what our potential customers were using.

I helped develop a web-based bioinformatics server in 1997/1998. We wanted to sell this as a product which meant we had to do it in Perl, because that’s what bioinformatics people used. We also have a meeting every year, BOSC, which is a satellite conference of ISMB, the big yearly bioinformatics conference. Bioperl had their first meeting (where the different developers got together) in 1998 and Biopython joined them in 1999 which was the basis for the Open Bioinformatics Foundation. At the Objects in Bioinformatics conference in 1999 I held a birds-of-a-feather meeting on high-level languages in bioinformatics. What’s interesting is that Steven is in bioinformatics. Perl specifically was picked because bioinformatics gets its start in the 1980s managing early sequence databases, which were frequently developed on Suns, which were cheap and came with the Sybase database. So if you’re looking for packages for bioinformatics you should try out those two sites first. He was working on an in-house project he got to try it out.

The rest is in proprietary databases, either commercial or in-house and very few programs are freely available. Micetich and Patric Richardson, host of The Laundry Guy and author of House Love, recommend having a few common household items on hand for iron cleaning: distilled white vinegar, baking soda, and distilled water. Fine white paper is made by removing lignin through a chemical process, resulting in paper that resists yellowing over time. Most synthetic fabrics are just fine being washed in warm or hot water with a liquid enzyme detergent and won’t fade or shrink, but consult the care tag on the clothing item if you are unsure. To clean the AirPods Max ear cushions and headband — which you’ll want to do every so often, especially if you wear them working out or sweating in hot climates — make a solution of 1tsp (5 mL) of liquid laundry detergent with 1 cup (250 mL) of water. The cleaning paste costs about $5 for a nearly 18-ounce container, and most of the more than 221,000 reviews rave about its ability to remove limescale around sinks, erase stubborn stains on glass stove tops, and make greasy ovens look like new. Chemical fertilizers do allow farmers to produce more and/or high-quality crops in the short-term, but may lead to fewer or poor quality crops in the long term.

Caffeine is a basic chemical compound that is a central nervous system stimulant which is used in numerous beverages and foods. Just as interesting, when Perl5 came out Lincoln Stein developed a replacement package for cgi-lib based on Perl5’s new module system. Step 2: To find out if the liquids are acidic, neutral, or alkaline, dip a separate piece of pH paper into each. The squid beak is a bony piece of inedible cartilage that is located at the base of the tentacles where they connect to the head of the squid. “If you’re short on storage space, having one cleaning product takes up less room than storing different household ingredients needed to whip up a homemade cleaner,” says Katie Berry, a member of The Spruce’s Cleaning Review Board and internationally recognized home cleaning expert. David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. The earliest commercial success I know is the Daylight toolkit, a set of libraries for chemical informatics which started some 20 years ago. For several years I wanted to do Python so I looked into the ways to make Daylight’s C API accessible from Python. Brian Kelly, who worked with me at Bioreason, has developed FROWNS, a free version of the PyDaylight API.