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How to Choose the Right Office Furniture for you and your Team

Microsoft’s latest announcement takes that a step further for partners in the CSPP by giving them access to real-time collaboration, and Office for iOS integration for all partners. Much of Ben Bova’s novel Moonrise takes place on that lunar mountain, which Bova named “Mt. Wasser”. Alan Wasser is a former broadcast journalist at ABC News and CBS News, who then owned and operated a successful international business, which he sold. A personal note from Alan Wasser on the subject of credit: Although I originated this concept, the greatest credit should go to whoever gets it enacted into law, which I have not been able to do. Alan is the originator of the idea of using land claim recognition to make privately funded space settlements potentially profitable, and therefore possible in our lifetime. SMU Law School’s Journal of Air Law & Commerce, the oldest and most respected law journal in its field, recently published an article Alan co-wrote with Douglas Jobes, entitled Space Settlements, Property Rights, and International Law: Could a Lunar Settlement Claim the Lunar Real Estate It Needs to Survive? Thus, private property established that way might delay settlement, rather than hasten it. Anyone who had such ships could use them to establish a whole new legitimate settlement, rather than fighting to steal some of the 4% of the Moon in the first settlement.

Why don’t space activists convince the public to support a government program to establish a base on the Moon and Mars? If we really went to the Moon in 1969, why aren’t we there now? But from seeing a photo of the planet and the area in question, you can understand why someone might think that they may indeed be extraterrestrial lights. The dollar value of the land, at least in the early years, is its market value on Earth – its salability to speculators and investors on Earth, – and no one would buy stolen land from someone who is not the recognized owner. Someday, someone will come along with the charisma, wisdom, perseverance, position and/or connections to convert this from an idea to reality. Similarly, on the individual level, early Lunar settlements, unlike old west gold rush mining camps, will not have a problem of stronger neighbors kicking weaker neighbors off their land. Hollywood movies notwithstanding, it really isn’t going to be like the Old West because it’s so much harder to get to and from the moon, or to hide once you’re there. Would you like to make the history books?

Investing in good quality pre-owned office cubicles is an attractive solution to save time and money – provided you make an effort to select the right solution. If you’re working in a creative industry, taking time away from the ‘norm’ of a desk can help creative juices flow. By the time I arrived in Mosul, the Americans had, in just some months, recruited, trained, and started fighting along with the new Iraqi Police and Army, who were proving smarter and tougher than the enemy. The fact that it could, if it had to, stop refilling an unruly settler’s oxygen tanks will make it very easy for a settlement’s small police force to enforce discipline among individual settlers. If you can do that, there will be settlers living on the Moon and perhaps Mars, in your lifetime, and you will richly deserve the statue they will build to you in the center of the settlement. It makes overwhelmingly better sense to buy land from the first settlement – which will be eager to sell land and/or provide transportation to and from the Moon at reasonable prices, – than to spend billions building one’s own space line and then waste it mounting a war of aggression to steal already claimed land.

But aggression is not going to be the problem it would be on Earth, because it really wouldn’t pay economically. Some see it as the most logical means to pay for college without the burden of paying back student loans. For more about him, personally, see Alan’s bio at the Space Settlement Institute web site. DOE’s (Department of Energy’s) Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, scientists have created nearly 4 million simulated images depicting the cosmos as NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, jointly funded by NSF (the National Science Foundation) and DOE, in Chile will see it. The oath is dictated by the chairman of the National Assembly and a ceremony is held in the National Assembly building. He was the Chairman of the Executive Committee (CEO) of the National Space Society. This legislation would create a huge demand for space ship design ideas and expertise, greatly benefiting the companies. Space Governance published a rough draft of the proposed legislation. Space Is Our Future! The team will continue to study the LICIACube and telescope images to determine how much mass was ejected during the impact and what direction it went, since it’s important to understand how much of the energy went into moving the space rock and how much went into knocking bits off of it.