Tag Archives: apollo
– Apollo’s Legacy is NASA’s Future –
I wanted to let you know that we have decided to take the office you recommended in Soho. Big land buyers may require the settlement to take out a performance bond or insurance to guarantee the ships will keep flying, even if the original settlement company were to default. Outlying land that still does not have identifiable uses will have to be sold for much less, which is why the settlement is allowed to claim so much of it. There have been many fortunes made buying and selling “worthless” land that did not yet have identifiable uses and so land buyers have always been very tolerant of that. The investor/owners will be drawn from all around the world, as will the land buyers. Land buyers will sense that potential. But it will still sell to those who take the long view or hope to make a profit by re-selling when the market price rises, as it always does eventually with land. The United States will probably be the first and most important market where land deeds will be sold to the public. Lunar land sales are valid transactions or frauds. For more on this subject, see: Why Are Land Sales Necessary?
But it does not matter at all, now, which of those who buy land from the settlement will get rich on it and which will end up holding the deeds for years for little or no profit. It is important to us that those who establish the settlement be able to sell enough of their land to make back many times their investment in developing or purchasing affordable space transport. Those who had received the land grants could then charge those who wanted to establish a settlement, rather than funding them. If the U.S. did have sovereignty, land grants would undoubtedly be handed out on the basis of political connections, not on the basis of actually having opened the space frontier. That would make land sales particularly important in the business plan of any private settlement effort. Given today’s global economy, it is almost certain that all entrants in the race to establish a settlement will be multi-national consortia. That should provide a powerful incentive to race to be the first. All these years after humanity first landed on the Moon, no one is investing serious money in going back to stay.
Only when safe, reliable transport has actually been developed, and launch costs have been brought low enough that even the accountants think a settlement could make a sufficient profit by selling land, will it be time for anyone to try to raise the big money to actually establish a settlement. Only land sales can produce returns as soon as the settlement is established, and therefore they will be the first dollars earned by the investors. If they succeed in creating a functioning space line and settlement, they then get ownership of the land and can try selling it. Eventually sources of revenue other than land sales will grow to the point where they can pay the operating expenses, fund the growth of the Lunar base, and still return a profit. There is a price to pay for engaging with your patients and their families, and that price is efficiency,” she writes, adding, “I’d like to think the time and attention I gave my patients made up for my being late, but I’m sure there were some who would disagree. Sometimes word-of-mouth recommendations can be invaluable when searching for a reliable office supply store like Office Depot.
Researchers studying subatomic particles created a device – called a cryostat – that can create really cold temperatures: An 880-pound (400-kilogram) copper cube reached 6 millikelvins, just six-thousandths of a degree above absolute zero (0 degrees Kelvin) back in 2014. Several research organizations confirmed the frigid reading of minus 199.8 degrees Fahrenheit (about minus 144 degrees Celsius) – cold, yes, but not even close to absolute zero. These experiences and partnerships will enable NASA to go back to the Moon in 2024 – this time to stay — with the U.S. The other ways to make money will all take additional time and investment to start paying off. This is about raising money for the development of affordable space transport and the money doesn’t have to be raised all at once, just enough to keep the experts working hard on solving the next piece of that puzzle. Getting elected as a senator is very expensive, so the more money you raise, the more you can advertise and get your name recognized. The team that is first to find a way to build affordable human transport to the Moon would get first choice of the Lunar poles. The lunar poles have water which is frozen and/or bound into the lunar soil.