Line Cleaner – British Columbia Ministry of Forests

If the fridge has been unplugged, wipe down the inside, or clean it thoroughly if it needs it using an all-purpose cleaner. After the time has elapsed, open the oven door and let it ventilate for an hour before using a sponge, warm water, and dish soap to wipe away the loosened food particles. This is not only for maintaining clean hair tools and brush hygiene but also to reduce the cleaning time. Chevrolet was well underway with its F-body “Panther” project (renamed Camaro by production time), based on the Chevy II chassis with 108-inch wheelbase. Camaro was similarly unibodied, employing a separate front subframe. Up front sat a “classic” Pontiac split grille. High-performance mavens at both Chevrolet and Pontiac could see one big bonus: the chassis could carry a mild-mannered six-cylinder engine, or hold GM’s biggest V-8s. It doesn’t require a lot of water, so it’s an ideal crop for areas that don’t see a lot of rainfall, like parts of China and Africa as well as in the U.S.

Alongside a country road in rural Kentucky, it’s pretty common to see rows of corn stretching all the way to the horizon, but all of those green stalks might not actually be corn plants. People can eat the grain and juice the stalks to create biofuel. You can substitute sorghum syrup in place of maple syrup or corn syrup in recipes using a one-to-one ratio, but for other sweeteners, you may need to adjust your recipe slightly. For this reason, it has particular inherent vulnerabilities that need to be considered when cleaning dirty travertine floors. This solution makes the best homemade deck cleaner and can work on many surfaces, including car seats and hardwood floors. The solution to this problem is rotating the crops, giving the land a “break” every two years and planting something complementary like alfalfa to help improve the soil. Conventional sweet sorghum doesn’t do double duty like this, but this new hybrid could be the solution.

What makes sweet sorghum especially attractive to farmers is its drought resistance. Baragona, Steve. “Drought Kindles US Farmers’ Appetite for African Grain Sorghum.” Voice of America. I’m sort of a food nerd, and when I first learned that I’d be researching sweet sorghum, the first thing that came to mind was articles I’d read about sorghum crops helping farmers fight hunger in Africa. For every acre of land growing corn for biofuel, that’s one less acre of land growing food for people. Producing ethanol from sweet sorghum uses about two thirds the amount of water of corn and one seventh the water of sugar cane. Come to think of it, whenever the couple across the street comes over for dinner, your buddy joins you in a coughing fit while his wife looks bewildered at the two of you. Advanced degrees in psychology can open up a wider range of career opportunities and often come with higher salaries. In fact, you can basically treat it like maple syrup in recipes, and some folks even use it to top their pancakes. “Health is a top motivator for people who seek out clean ingredients. It was exciting to learn that on top of the humanitarian applications for sorghum, the sweet variety might just help us kick our fossil fuel addiction!

LINE-CLEANER was developed as a plug-in to Refractions’ uDig spatial applications framework. Electronic and motor-driven pumps are available for flow proportional applications and optional liquid handling configurations to handle slurries and high viscosity chemicals. Liquid liners are great for creating statement-making looks like cat eyes or wings. You can use sorghum syrup to replace other liquid sweeteners, like honey, molasses, maple syrup or even white sugar in recipes, though on its own sorghum syrup is more like maple syrup than any of these other sweeteners. The trick to substituting sorghum syrup for other sweeteners is knowing what ratio to use. The National Sweet Sorghum Producers & Processors Association has a handy list of some common sweeteners and the ratios to use when you want to replace them with sorghum syrup. It’s become a cash crop since researchers discovered that we can use sorghum syrup to produce biofuels. Just as with corn, growing sweet sorghum to produce fuel means that much less land to produce food, but thanks to a new hybrid sorghum plant, sweet sorghum could provide the best of both worlds.